Strike Debt and the Debt Resistor’s Manual

Posted in Uncategorized on October 5, 2012 by truthtopowernews

This interview, coupled with the manual that prompted it, were two of the highlights of our time in NYC with OWS. In just two months, the Strike Debt group, teamed with organizers from Occupy Wall Street, put together the Debt Resistor’s Manual that explicates the idea of debt in a digestible and accessible way. It is beautifully constructed, and explains all of the ways that debt (whether you have it personally or not) controls, and in most cases, cripples our lives. It is also a call to group resistance of debt, and urges us to move towards a debt free society! Check out the interview, and then check out Strike Debt and all they have going on (including Debt Resistor groups in your area) at:

Walking Tour of #s16

Posted in Uncategorized on October 5, 2012 by truthtopowernews

Here’s more footage of the incredibly helpful walking tour we took on #s16, led by the fabulous Austin Guest of Occupy Wall Street. Austin and others filled us in on the key targets for the following day’s actions, as well as some key info about the development of Wall Street, and its long history as a symbol of oppression. Listen up, and get schooled! Totally worth the watch!

Spectra Pipeline Protest #s16

Posted in Uncategorized on October 5, 2012 by truthtopowernews

Here’s Chops’ footage from the march against the Spectra pipeline that kicked off events on #s16!

To learn more about the proposed pipeline, and why Occupy Wall Street and many other groups and individuals oppose it, start here:




Interviews with two of our big childhood influences!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 28, 2012 by truthtopowernews

#s16 Occupy Wall Street Backstage with Jello Biafra

Hello again!

Great news! Not only did we reach our fundraising goal EARLY, we also finally got our interviews with Tom Morello and Jello Biafra up! These interviews were a highlight of our experience in NYC, and were filmed during #s16, the second day of events and celebration of the one year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

If you are in the Portland area tonight, please join us at B Media Collective’s event, “An Evening of Social Justice Community Shorts,” at 7pm in the Morirarty Auditorium on the PCC Cascade Campus. The evening will feature videos from a 6 week course the B Media Collective taught this summer and includes videos from:

Working Families Party (Student Debt)
Move to Amend (Corporate personhood)
OPAL (Transportation crisis in Portland)
CIO (Immigrants rights and advocacy in Afsc Portland)
VOZ (Day laborers and union laborers in conversation)
PCASC (Columbian GM workers on strike)
B Media (Get off the coal train, Reportback from Occupy Wall Street anniversary)

Thanks again for all the support! We love our communities!!!!

Truth to Power News and the B Media Collective



#s17 – The Big Day!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 20, 2012 by truthtopowernews

Apologies for the delay in disseminating this footage. After a weekend of 20+ hour days spent on the streets and then at home compiling and editing footage, things got hairy towards the end, to say the least. We are happy to report that our videographer Chops is out of jail, safe and sound. He has tons of stories to share, and made a lot of lasting connections in the slammer, and we’re so happy to know that he is alright. Just as we witnessed brutality in the streets at the hands of New York City’s “finest,” so Chops witnessed dozens of arrestees file in and out of the two precincts at which he was held, with stories of brutalization and discrimination in their arrests. He shared accounts of those arrested, already handcuffed, awaiting transport, being head butted out of nowhere by cops in riot gear helmets. He also shared his rediscovered love of EVERYTHING after spending 36 frustrating hours in jail, in a city 3,000 miles from home. I’ve never heard someone so excited about getting to brew coffee….
The 1st anniversary of OWS was a sight to behold, and we are so grateful that we got the opportunity to do so. The organizers at OWS were so skilled and operated in such a reflective and intelligent manner. It was truly inspiring to see how they worked together, and incorporated the views, skills and comfort-levels of all involved to initiate effective and direct action throughout the day. You won’t read about it much elsewhere, especially in the mainstream media (however left they purport to lean), but business as usual was indeed disrupted on Wall St. that day, as dozens of banks were shut down, intersections taken over, and general organized chaos ruled the streets of Manhattan’s financial district.
We’ve received some comments on our videos thus far, claiming that the demonstrations were sad, in that they fell short of the past potential of the Occupy movement, and did not accomplish anything. To those commentating, we say this:

The goal of the weekend was to educate, celebrate, and resist. In all those senses, the goals were not only achieved – they were surpassed. Our videos bear witness to the fact that thousands of people, from all over the world, convened to learn more about what Occupy has accomplished and has set forth for itself in its infancy, to celebrate the fact that we are still here, that throughout the nation and elsewhere direct resistance to business as usual is growing increasingly effective and tangible, and that in the face of extreme repression by the state and omission by the media, we are in fact still resisting the status quo that has been thrust upon us.

From New York City to Portland, Quebec to Mexico City, and all over the rest of the world, we are rising together, growing in numbers, passion and intention to Occupy a state of mind that is able to collectively envision a world of justice, where all roads lead to equality, humanity and compassion, and away from corporate greed and Wall St.

Until next time, friends, we are Truth to Power News, and we are so happy to bring you the other side of the story.
In solidarity,

Adriane, Chops and the B:Media Collective


PS – We hope to bring you a larger piece as soon as we can, complete with interviews and even more amazing footage of the weekend, to round out our comprehensive coverage. For now, check in at our youtube channel to see raw interviews and other footage!

Occupy Wall Street #s16 Day of Celebration

Posted in Uncategorized on September 17, 2012 by truthtopowernews

Oh my, what a day we’ve had, y’all!

We started off with a march against a pipeline, participated in a walking history tour of the financial district of new york city, and its past – deeply rooted in socio-economic injustice and oppression. We also got to interview two of our childhood heroes – Jello Biafra and Tom Morello! It was a wonderful, inspiring trip of a day!

We rounded it out with an informative Spokes Council meeting, during which we learned more about the actions planned for tomorrow’s anniversary and day of resistence. Before heading home we also visited the independent media headquarters for global rev, paper tiger tv and the league of war resistors.

All in all, it was a super inspiring day of celebration, commemorating all that we have collectively accomplished this year, and all that is still to come, as we occupy our hearts and minds and speak truth to power in the streets, and every day of our lives. We couldn’t have gotten here without you, and we hope you enjoy digesting our coverage as much as we did gathering it!

In solidarity,

Adriane with Truth to Power News

#s15 A day of Education and Collaboration

Posted in Uncategorized on September 16, 2012 by truthtopowernews

Hey Everyone, thanks for tuning in!

It took us a little bit longer than we thought it might to put out our first set of videos from yesterday’s events… but that’s only because we got SO much amazing material! We were lucky enough to interview the now famous dissident and Occupier, retired Philadelphia Police Captain Ray Lewis, as well as a slew of organizers and participants that have been heavily involved in the planning of this weekend. Together, with the help of the B:Media Collective, we were able to bring you this awesome recap. We are having internet issues, so please visit our youtube channel throughout the day to find the edited interviews that we got as they continue to upload, including Occupy Wall Street’s Info and Press teams, Iraq veteran medics, and more. Please check them out!

The stories we heard and the organization we witnessed yesterday were truly inspiring. Contrary to popular media coverage, which claims that our movement is dead in its tracks, we were able to feel the life of this movement in our bones – the whole day was electric, filled with information, networking and movement building. Today, we’re heading out to capture the celebration, including music performances, anti-fracking actions and more! Tune in this evening, and we’ll do our darnedest to have our amazing coverage out to you by the night’s end.
Speaking truth to power, in the streets,


PS – We’ve ALMOST reached our fundraising goal! Please continue to share the link to our fundraiser, and encourage your friends and family to contribute if they can! While you’re at it, take a moment to “like” our youtube channel, share our facebook link and get everyone you know tuned in! Thank you for your support!

Weeeee’rrrreee Heeeeeerrrreeeee

Posted in Uncategorized on September 15, 2012 by truthtopowernews

Hey All!
Just checking in to let you know that Chops and I are both now in NYC, and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our friends from the B:Media Collective this afternoon! We’re gettin’ ready to hit the streets and experiment with this crazy project. Tune in this evening (we’re shootin’ for 9pm PST) for our first broadcast! Here’s the schedule for today’s events, (also included below) so you have an idea of what to look forward to! We will be covering many events not listed, too, as we strive to bring you the most comprehensive reports we can!
Wish us luck! We’ll see you in the streets!


Home Schedule S15 – EDUCATION


OWS Anniversary Convergence Weekend

Saturday, 10:30am – 7pm
Washington Square Park
Join us for a special all-day Occupy Town Square for S17, with OWS tables, performances, and teach-ins.

10:30 am-12:30pm – Welcome and Orientation Activities, Lunch including S17 Action Prep & Legal Solidarity training.

Noon: Facilitation meeting for Thematic Assembles

12:30pm-4pm – Inaugural Assembly and Thematic Breakout Groups
Some of the thematic assemblies already planned:

The Occupy the K-12 Public School Narrative Thematic Breakout – will bring together students, parents, educators, community members and activists to discuss the Privatization of Public Schools and the Continuum of Resistance.

Money out of Politics Assembly: Together, we will: describe the parameters of this movement, it’s origin story, involvement with OWS, New York specific efforts, national campaigns and major organizational actors.

Strike Debt: Share individual and collective actions for those fighting debt in all of its forms.

Occupy for all species: An OTS teach-in to talk about ways we can commit ourselves to the struggle: All Day, Every Day.

4pm-6:30pm – Open Space for teach-ins, workshops, performances any other type of activity. Please fill out the convergence form to let us know you are coming. This information will help us in our preparations.

4pm-6:30pm – Direct Action and Know Your Rights Trainings
Organizers and trainers from the Direct Action Working Group (in New York City and other occupations) will assist in skill-shares and knowledge-shares about activism in New York City and involvement in direct actions. This space will also be open for Know Your Rights trainings specific to New York City, and will also include Plus Brigades training. Check out the full training schedule for the weekend. Attending these trainings is highly recommended for everyone who plans to participate in any aspect of S17.

6:30pm-7pm – Closing Assembly
The day will close with a few words about various events happening throughout the city on Saturday evening. OTS will leave an open space for spontaneous assemblies or soapboxes.

The Debt Resistors’ Operations Manual
Saturday, 7:30pm
Judson Memorial Church, Washington Park South
The Debt Resistors’ Operations Manual, a project of Strike Debt and Occupy Wall Street, is a guide for individual and collective action for those fighting debt in all of its forms. Following its release, Strike Debt will host a discussion about the manual and its role in the emerging debt resistance movement.

S17 Affinity Group Spokescouncil
Saturday, 8pm
Washington Square Park
Learn about the action framework for S17, choose targets, and make friends.

Affinity Group Actions and Solidarity Events

March to End Suppression of OWS
Saturday, 6pm
Washington Square Park
Join us as we take to the streets to raise to raise awareness of the continued suppression of Non-Violent activists and the Occupy Movement. The march ends at Liberty Park.

Occupy: The Film Festival
Saturday, 6pm & 8:30pm
Anthology Film Archives 32 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10003
Occupy The Film Festival is feature a full weekend of first anniversary festivities, including prominent guest speakers, interactive screenings, an Occupy fashion show, an Occupy photography exhibit by award-winning artists, and guerrilla projections. Continues on Sunday.

We are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation
Saturday, 7pm
Bluestockings Bookstore, 172 Allen Street
Just days before the one-year anniversary of the action that launched a nascent social movement, the occupation of Wall Street and the encampment at Zuccotti Square, join us for an evening of discussion around the past, present, and possible future of the Occupy movement.

Building the Tools of Consensus
Saturday, 7pm
7pm, Liberty Park
Exercise your right to peaceably assemble through what micro-local, democratic participation looks like with #NYCGA, a public assembly for and by the people. (¡Programación sujeta a cambios!)

Convergencia de aniversario de Ocupa Wall Street

Lugar: Washington Square Park, 5th Ave y Waverly.

10:30 am-12:30pm – Bienvenida y actividades de orientación. Almuerzo.

12:30pm-4pm – Asamblea inaugural y pláticas en grupos separados por temas.

La convergencia de aniversario comenzará formalmente con una asamblea inaugural para dar inicio a los tres días de educación, celebración y resistencia. Estaremos escuchando de nuestros compañeros de todas partes del país reflexiones sobre el año que ha pasado. En seguida, habrá unas pláticas que se coordinarán de manera que haya una participación horizontal, divididas en grupos, sobre temas claves en el año que ha transcurrido (deuda, vivienda, educación, clima, encarcelamientos, inmigración, trabajo, justicia económica, dinero y política, etc.). Se invita a quienes tengan experiencia en esas áreas a sumarse y a ayudar a enriquecer la conversación. Después de las pláticas en grupos, nos agruparemos otra vez en convergencia para compartir nuestras pláticas y evaluar la situación de nuestro movimiento y qué prospectos hay para el futuro.

4pm-6:30pm – Foro abierto

Durante todo el día habrá mesas de información, clases, cursos prácticos, representaciones teatrales callejeras, entrenamientos y discusiones políticas todo el día. Pero éste es un momento ideal para ello, porque se aparta como un “foro abierto”. Occupy Town Square (OTS*) proporciona un tablero abierto a todos los grupos y e individuos para que indiquen a qué actividades desean invitar. OTS ha desarrollado un sistema para ayudar a la gente a que localice a qué actividades desea a asistir y a que se sume a ellas. Si tú quieres dar una clase o un taller, o poner una representación teatral o invitar a cualquier otro tipo de actividad, por favor llena el “formulario de convergencia” (“convergence form”) para hacernos saber que vendrás. Esta información nos ayudará a prepararnos.

4pm-6:30pm – Entrenamientos para hacer “acción directa” y conocer tus derechos

Este espacio está planeado para los organizadores y entrenadores del Grupo de Trabajo de Acción Directa (en la ciudad de Nueva York y en otras ocupaciones), a fin de compartir el aprendizaje de habilidades y conocimiento sobre activismo en la ciudad de Nueva York y la participación en protestas de “acción directa”.  Este espacio estará abierto específicamente a cursos prácticos para conocer tus derechos en la ciudad de Nueva York en particular, y también incluirá entrenamientos para formar parte de las Brigadas “Plus”. Durante el fin de semana habrá también más oportunidades de participar en ambos cursos.

6:30pm-7pm – Asamblea de conclusión del día

El día concluirá con algunas palabras sobre los varios eventos que ocurren por toda la ciudad en la noche del sábado. OTS dejará un espacio abierto para asambleas espontáneas o sesiones de libre expresión.

7:30pm – 9pm – Manual de Operaciones de Resistencia a la Deuda – Lanzamiento del libro

El Manual de Operaciones de Resistencia a la Deuda es un proyecto del grupo Huelga de Deuda y Ocupa Wall Street. Es una guía de acción individual y colectiva para quienes están luchando contra la deuda en todas sus formas. Después del lanzamiento del libro en ese día, Huelga de Deuda coordinará una plática sobre el Manual y su papel en el movimiento emergente de resistencia a la deuda. Incluirá clases de George Caffentzis, Pamela Brown y Andrew Ross, entre otros, y también será un espacio para expresión libre sobre deudores y otras discusiones relacionadas con el tema de la deuda.

*¿Qué es Occupy Town Square?

Occupy Town Square (OTS) es un acto de ocupación que se ha realizado en parques y en otros espacios públicos por distintas partes de la ciudad de Nueva York desde febrero de 2012. OTS recrea los principios esenciales de Zuccotti Park: participación horizontal y ayuda mutua. OTS procura dar la bienvenida a los que llegan por primera vez y a los que van pasando, pero también crea espacios para reflexionar sobre lo sucedido en el año que termina y articular alternativas y soluciones al sistema actual. En su marco de trabajo también se equilibra la planeación y la estructura con la espontaneidad.

Oh the excitement!!! We can hardly contain it! …so we won’t!!!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on September 14, 2012 by truthtopowernews

Hey all! First of all – a big thanks to Mr. Tiago DeJerk, an amazing husband, friend, and artist, for designing our sweet new Truth to Power News logo! Look for it on our mics in the videos, and soon-to-be on t-shirts the nation over.

Secondly, we are SO happy to announce that we have officially joined forces with our good friends at the B:Media Collective to bring you a fuller project, drizzled with much more awesome-sauce! With editing geniuses like Tim and Nat by our sides, we are more confident than ever that we will be able to bring you creatively produced, hard-hitting news coverage of this weekend’s events in New York City!

Speaking of New York City, Chops arrived yesterday, and has already been hard at work to bring you some awesome raw footage of several actions against the controversial, predatory Stop-and-Frisk policies of the NYPD. We’ll share his footage of the events leading up to this weekend, as well as his sweetly excited and sleep-deprived personal account at the end of this post.

I’ll be leaving work in about 3 hours to head to the airport with my press pass in my hand and an excited grin splashed across my face… hopefully that grin will still be there when I arrive in NYC at 5:30am, meet up with Chops and hit the streets for our first full day of action! Tim and Nat of the B:Media Collective will meet up with us tomorrow as well, and together we’ll be able to capture, edit, and distribute our first full news show by tomorrow evening! So please, keep an eye on us and this blog, to stay up to date with what we’re doing this weekend! You can subscribe to get email notifications by using the widget on the right side of the blog’s main page.

Lastly, we’ll be super busy this weekend keeping up with all of the excitement and wonderful workshops, trying to whittle down what I’m sure will be hours of footage into a digestible and engrossing production for you. As such, we won’t be able to hit the internet as frequently to encourage people to follow our feeds, donate to our campaign, or share our posts. We hope that you, our invested audience comprised of friends, family and beyond, will help us to do that. Please, any chance you can, share our project with someone new… encourage those that wouldn’t normally seek out an alternative news source to check out our videos, and contribute if you can. We can only hope that we will make you proud, and we’ll try our darnedest to make it so!

Until tomorrow, may the righteous agitation of awakening in a world that seems so fast asleep be your impetus for change, for fervor in all that you do, and may the whispers of your conscience carry you through! See you in New York, y’all!



From Chops:

On this Thursday morning the 13th I arrived in NYC from a long, mostly, sleepless night in the air on a cramped plane, headed over to a friends home that I will be staying at, got situated, and headed out, charged up on a steady supply of coffee, and stimulation from the city it’s self. I got lost, fell asleep on a train, and made it to two of the many Stop! Stop and Frisk / Stop Mass Incarceration events planed for the day. In Brownsville Brooklyn there were people handing out whistles, informative flyers, buttons and making a lot of noise. I got some footage and joined in by holding a sign, placing a button on myself, and blowing my new whistle.
This was a busy street and half the people coming and going were already wearing a whistle and many with buttons too. Those who came to get a whistle and a bit of info on what this was all about blew me away with some of the thing that they said. I was getting the feeling that abuse by police in this town was a very common part of mostly young and black peoples lives. (but not limited to them alone).
While all this was going on there was a police presence looming nearby, and that thankfully kept to themselves as far as I could see.
After things winded down, I headed to Union Sq. where there was another Stop! Stop and Frisk / Stop Mass Incarceration action being held. People mike-checked and told stories of police brutality that brought tears to some eyes in the group that had gathered to participate and to listen. I also was getting emotional, decided that I should get some food and sleep and headed out. 
for more information or to get involved go here

Working Class Solidarity!

Posted in Uncategorized on September 13, 2012 by truthtopowernews

CHECK IT OUT! Chops went to Kinko’s the other day and busted out some amazing press passes for us! When he went to pay, the clerk asked what they were for. He told her that we were going to cover the Occupy Wall Street anniversary in New York this weekend and she gave them to him FOR FREE! Working class solidarity, y’all!

Make sure to show your support by contributing to our cause and sharing the link! We haven’t had a contribution in over a day and need all the help we can get to reach our goal!